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Spring/Summer '24

Ten Week Term Starting April 21st 


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summer term

Six Week Term Starting August 11th


Class Descriptions


Modern explores a free, expressive style of dancing started in the early 20th century as an opposite reaction to the already established classical ballet standard. â€‹



Ballet is a type of performance dance that originated during the Italian Renaissance in the 15th century. It is a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French terminology



This class is designed to focus on the conditioning of the dancer's body. Using techniques specific to strengthen and tone muscles, we end the class with stretches to help elongate those same muscles.



Afro-jazz dance is a fusion of African, Caribbean, and jazz dance styles. Classes are upbeat and begin with a warm-up, followed by a choreographed combination.



This class is designed for all children to learn to express their feelings productively.  They learn to develop their imagination and ability to focus.  Repetition of activities and songs helps children with participation, development of language skills, memory, coordination, and timing.



The freedom to move and express yourself through dance. With a fusion of genres including hip hop, dance hall, street, and more! You'll be excited to shake your body as we move to the beat!



African dance refers mainly to the dance of Sub-Saharan Africa, and more appropriately African dances because of the many cultural differences in musical and movement styles.  African dance utilizes the concept of total body articulation.



Hip-hop and Dancehall combination: this class refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture and local reggae music



Anti-gravity yoga or "aerial yoga", is a new type of yoga now being practiced in several countries, which combines the traditional yoga poses, pilates and dance with the use of a hammock.  Be sure to join our FLOW at the end of the term where we put all those moves into a choreographed dance in the silks!



Adult Diva Dance is an adult-only dance class that explores sensuality and sass as we combine choreography in a Zumba-like workout class.



Start training to the beat.  Combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make it to that last rep, and maybe even five more.

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